仰望·石刻 x 高光时刻丨大将军瓷砖2024春季新品即将震撼发布

来源:中国陶瓷网 2024-04-14


Admiration rock carvings


MARSHAL team opened the journey of Italy's roots, which lasted 300 days and spanned more than 20 towns, only to find precious stone specimens, in order to pursue the originality and unreplicability of each product design, trace the natural beauty of marble, select the ultimate original stone quality, restore the authenticity of natural stone, and give the pure aesthetic conception of nature.


"Find the pure beauty, engraved original stone", General tile launched the world rock traceability program, pursuing the natural beauty of the stone, selecting the ultimate texture of the original stone, restoring the authenticity of natural stone, giving high quality aesthetic conception of human settlement.


Continue to explore, shuttle between different mountains in the world, only to find the purest beauty of the original stone, explore the source of the best left by time, through the reproduction and restoration, so that every user who chooses to look up to the stone carving to enjoy a high-quality pure artistic experience.


MARSHAL team after months of research and development to create new stone carving glaze. Product texture warm and soft, smooth but not greasy, 10-15 degrees of soft light vision! The technology applied in our re-engraving ink re-engraving the real natural texture of the original stone, through our re-engraving glaze to express the vein and texture of the original stone itself, so that the age traces and touch of the original stone can be reproduced before the eyes, the craftsmanship, the ultimate restoration.



4 core technology processes




#防滑突破——创新吸附因子,打造瓷砖表面的 "物理吸盘",R10级防滑,防滑性能提升30%,时刻保护家人安全。



The core technology processes

仰望.石刻—率先行业内推出了极致石刻釉(3D数码模具+高清深刻墨水+立体岩板坯)通过探寻全球自然美态,结合行业领先工艺技术 ,高度还原自然纹理,让空间视觉延伸更强,使产品更细腻温润,从原料到设备完美诠释产品艺术的表达。

Taking the lead in the industry to launch the ultimate stone carving glaze (3D digital mold + HD deep ink + three-dimensional slab) by exploring the global natural beauty, combined with the industry's leading technology, highly restore the natural texture, make the space visual extension stronger, make the product more delicate and warm, from raw materials to equipment perfect interpretation of product art expression.


The original product elements : Marble, lime stone, cave stone, sandstone, luxury stone.




Reproduction of nature, superimposed humanities, fashion elements of beauty, with natural texture and color presented with the most real appeal. Break through the timeless natural beauty of time and space as inspiration, let the home and the coast, mountains, cities breathe together.




When you look at the world, the world is also looking at you, as long as there is light in the heart, anytime and anywhere is looking at the stone carving, belongs to your highlight moment.


大将军瓷砖 X 仰望·石刻 -

4月19日 14:00




